Anne's Story...A Long Term Integrated (And Inspirational!)...Approach to Health
A fresh start!
A new year and a great time for a little reflection and introspection. One could consider it sheer coincidence that I am in my third year at Performance Integrated Health and for the third year in a row I find myself formulating a plan for my own well being.
I know better.
Joining a team of Health Professionals in 2015 has become a great resource in the support of my personal health goals as well as those of my clients.
In 2016, I joined Orange Theory at the recommendation of a client and, to my own surprise, it has been a cornerstone for my health for 2 full years now, attending at least twice a week. I am always grateful for the reciprocal resource that clients and I share in our journey, learning from one another.
That might not seem like much to a very fitness oriented public but to me it was huge. Active my whole life my fitness had suffered and I was never a “gym” person.
Give me a hike, a bike, a racquet, skis or a scull to row down the river but I never felt the gym was working for me.
Orange Theory gave me a safe return to fitness with heart rate monitoring and modifications of workouts. Besides it was really FUN!!!
Learn more about Orange Theory here...
It is a truly innovative and fresh approach to fitness with a shout out to my two favourite and very supportive trainers Austin and Samantha and the rest of the staff at the South Surrey location.
I enrolled the help of Dr. K. Tavakoli ND here at Performance Integrated Health and she recommended supporting my health goals with a “ 10 day Detox program “ followed by an “8 Week Weight Loss Plan.”
I also utilized Registered Massage Therapy Treatments, Acupuncture, Physiotherapy and Chiropractic care at Performance Integrated Health to support my goals.
As with most fitness plans consistency is key.
I experienced success for the first half of 2016 only to find that stressors were mounting and my fitness was suffering.
In late 2016 I settled into a new home and stressors were subsiding.
After a trip to Ontario in January, Brrrrrr...and then to Palm Springs in February 2017, hiking thru Joshua Tree National Park in very warm temperatures, I began again.
I had a daughter getting married in August and that helped boost my attention to my long term fitness goals.
Luckily Orange Theory had remained a constant but I decided to up my commitment to 3 times a week.
Of course the Integrated care approach of Performance Integrated Health was my foundation.
I chose to repeat the “10 day Detox”.
In addition to utilizing Registered Massage Therapy, Acupuncture, Physiotherapy and Chiropractic, I added Intravenous (IV) Therapy.
Working at the facility of course makes this easier for me but each day I see the positive advantage an integrated approach can offer clients whether they are seeking rehabilitation, pain relief, higher function, improved performance, self care or any personal health objectives.
Outside of the clinic I enrolled in a program offered by a local physician called the Complete Health Care Improvement program or CHIP. I found it motivating, informative and helpful in my health care regime.
To learn more about CHIP, visit their website here...
I also explored the concept of “ Intermittent fasting” which I responded well to.
My pre wedding goals were very ambitious and I was able to loose 40 pounds in about 5months.
Did I mention consistency? I found stressors mounting again in the fall of 2017 and my food choices deteriorated with stress.
I rounded out the year with a fantastic month in Australia.
I was spoiled with family, events, activities and of course so much amazing food. Isn’t that what vacations are for?
I find myself at the beginning of 2018 choosing again as we must with all choices that require consistency. It is not as though we make a decision one day and everything falls in place for the long term. Health and wellness is really a lifestyle choice. I learned in the CHIP program that 85% of our healthcare outcomes can be effected by lifestyle choices.
Just let that sink in!!!! Only the remaining 15% is determined by genetics (10%) and the environment (5%).
This completely puts our health into the context of our lifestyle choices.
I will again choose the integrated approach offered by Performance Integrated Health to support my goals.
I am just returning from an academy to learn more about a very innovative technology in the field of electroceuticals that generates a pulsating electromagnetic field to dramatically enhance micro circulation. Very exciting !!! More to come about that in the coming months.
Not everyone is as curious as I about physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health, nutrition and quality of life. I love to learn and continue to enjoy my health professional career even after decades of practice.
Bottom line, we are all responsible for our own health. As we begin a new year and we perhaps take a moment for some reflection and introspection you might consider expanding your experience at Performance Integrated Health to even more of the talented practitioners and the resources they can offer.
Wishing you all the best in your lifestyle choices for the best quality of life possible.
Remember to choose and choose again so that you can create momentum and consistency.
I will if you will! As a very inspiring friend of mine says... “ What’s the best that can happen?”
Yours in good health, Anne Adkins RMT