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Your first appointment with the massage therapist can be 45 or 60 minutes in duration and includes: administration, assessment, evaluation, treatment and patient education. Intake forms need to be completed in advance. Please print intake forms here or arrive a minimum of 15 minutes early to your appointment to complete them at our office.

What to wear:

In general, massage therapists prefer to work skin to skin, but will take their patient’s comfort level into consideration.  Each patient has different requirements for treatment, and your therapist will assess what is most appropriate. Having a sports bra or pair of shorts with you can be handy.

What to expect:

There are 3 aspects of a massage therapy treatment:

Assessment (5-15 minutes) – expect to be asked questions related to your personal health and condition. The therapist will also utilize special testing and range of motion evaluation to determine the most effective course of treatment

Treatment (30-50 minutes, depending on the length of treatment) – once on the table, your therapist will assess pain tolerance, muscle health, and treat areas of concern, as well as areas that may contribute to your particular complaint. 

Homecare (1-5 minutes) – based on the assessment and treatment of your condition, your therapist will have recommendations for ways to manage and improve your condition from home. These suggestions may include postural or breathing exercises, stretches, strengthening exercises, alterations to work or sleeping positions, or other relevant changes at home or work. 

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